Current time in Africa

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tender Mercies

Hey everyone,
Well im going to be honest the week has been pretty hard! We had this couple that we were teaching split up and the women moved to Freetown. It was a pretty sad deal. The husband has told us that he is going to save up some money and try to go to Freetown and get her back. They are really awesome people I'm really praying that we can help them with all of there problems and help them to see how the Gospel can bring there family together. We are also teaching this man and his wife, This man was a Rebel during the war and obviously has murdered. He loves to sit down with us and has so many trials he is going through. My companion and I passed by his house yesterday and he and his wife had been fighting his shirt was all torn he told us his wife was beating him and stuff. Then she came out and they started arguing and she started throwing stuff at him and so I said we are going to come back when things are cooled down and talk about it. so that was pretty disappointing. It has been one trial after another this week. But then there is always those tender mercies. We have been teaching a guy named Festus. And when I came to the area he just started progression like crazy, He started reading the Book of Mormon and fell in love with it. He... is truly converted. We were talking to him about temples, and at the end I just asked him Festus what do you need to do to prepare yourself to go to the temple? In my mind I was thinking about how he needs to keep the commandments, find a righteous woman who has the same standards as him and those things. So he started laughing and said Elder Lancaster I know where your going with this. And I said so where am I going with this? And he said your going to tell me I need to serve a mission..... and I looked at him and said no Festus.... The spirit just told you that you need to serve a mission... I told him the things I was thinking about and I said when I asked you that question the spirit came to you and touched you and told you that you need to serve a mission. It was... remarkable. He said I think that's definitely something I need to take to prayer, I was like yep ha ha. He is awesome. So he was all ready for baptism and we were able to get his interviews in and he was baptized on Saturday. It was really awesome. So that makes it a week. I hope that you all are doing well. Thank you for all you do.

Elder Lancaster


Claudine Cable said...

I think this is the best email so far. It is what a mission is all about. You have the really bad times, but you also have the amazing times, like the experiences he has had with Festus. I do so hope he will keep "enduring" to the end. It is so good to have the missionaries from Africa because when they return home they are a mighty strength to the wards and members. Keep up the good work.

Julie said...

Wow--what a week!!! How hard to see things fall apart, but what a wonderful thing to have happened with Festus! Keep up the good work, Seth! What you are doing is making a difference.

Ciera said...

Thanks to both of you for leaving comments and words of encouragement!! This was one of my favorite e-mails too.