Current time in Africa

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Flu

Hello Everyone,

The week was good. I saw a big change in those we are teaching this week. Many of them had a new excitement for the gospel that I hadn’t seen in them before. It was nice and refreshing. On Thursday I was starting to feel a little sick but I just ignored it and kept working. Then on Friday I was still feeling sick but we had planned a lot of appointments that day so we worked that whole day too. Then Saturday I woke up and couldn’t even walk straight. I called Sis Roggia and she says that I had a flu. She said that she has had about 6 to 8 elders get it now. So I wasn’t able to go out on Saturday I was very very sick then on Sunday I was still the same and so Sis Roggia told me not to go to church so that I don’t give it to anyone else. It has been pretty miserable. This morning I woke up and have been feeling a bit better but I’m still not 100 percent. Hopefully by tomorrow I will be completely over it. So actually don’t even know which of the investigators went to church or anything but we will figure it all out. Festus who we baptized last week is doing really well. He has referred a few of his neighbors he lives in kind of a rich community so we have started teaching some wealthy people. A few of them are really interested and are really progressing well. We have one woman who we are teaching name Agnes. She is so nice and she is ready to be baptized. She was supposed to have her baptismal interview on Sunday but I guess because we weren’t there then it didn’t end up happening. So I’m not to sure if she will be baptized this Saturday but we are going to do our best to make it happen. We also met this woman named Zinab she was referred to us by her cousin who is a recent convert in Bo branch. Zinab just had a baby last month and she is one of the nicest people I have met. I'm really excited to see how things go with her. Well that’s pretty much it for an update with me. Another thing I found out today from Sis Roggia is at the end of Feb Elder Dickson who is in the Area presidency for west Africa will be coming on a mission tour. So we will be having a Zone Conference with him it should be really awesome. I haven’t met him yet so I'm really excited to meet him. He and Elder Neves served in the same mission together so they are old friends. Thank you for all the love a support!

Elder Lancaster

1 comment:

Claudine Cable said...

I'm so sorry Elder Lancaster has been so ill. I hope he is fully recovered by now. I love hearing about his investigators who are prepared to receive the gospel. What a privilege it must be to teach them.