Current time in Africa

Monday, January 17, 2011

Working With The Youth

Hey everyone,
Well another awesome week. Its starting to not be so cold in the mornings so that's nice! I hate the cold. Right now we are teaching some really awesome people. Something really awesome that we have started in this branch is we are working this the youth who are the Branch missionaries. Every Saturday at 6:00pm we meet and my companion and I teach then one of the missionary lessons. Then we break them up into companion ships and assign them to go and teach a recent convert. This is our first week of getting the program going so I'm excited to see how it goes. We have a lot of awesome youth who are preparing to go on missions. That's something that Pres Roggia is really focusing on right now is getting any eligible person that can serve a mission prepared and ready to serve. Which in the end will strengthen the church here so much as they return and become leaders in the church. The church is really growing here at a rapid pace. Yesterday at church there were so many people that my companion and I gave up our seats and stood for a little bit then we went and sat next to the sacrament table. Its so awesome to be back in Bo. I really love it here. The hardest part about the transfer was saying goodbye to my African Mommy Christiana.... she cried.... a lot... it wasn't fun at all. This week I will be going on exchanges with the Zone Leaders because I'm new to the zone.... kind of. I really like them though they are so awesome. Surprisingly I am gaining weight here in Bo which is weird because this is where I lost all of my weight. But I have been eating like crazy and the people here feed us so much! So I think that's all of the updates for me. Thank you all for everything I love you.
Elder Lancaster

1 comment:

Claudine Cable said...

So glad to hear you are gaining weight. Keep eating. I love the pace of the work in Bo and your work with the youth. It will make such a fabulous difference for years to come.