Current time in Africa

Monday, March 21, 2011


Hey everyone,
Well thank you for all the prayers I am definitely doing much better. It took pretty much the whole week to get over it but today I'm feeling really good. I lost some more weight though so I have to see what I can do about that. So for updates on the mission.. I'm just hearing things through other Elders but I heard that the Area authorities have decided to wait to open Makeni and Moyamba to missionaries. I guess the new plan is to get STAKES!!! So that's a huge step for us. Right now Freetown is a District with about 11 branches I think. And Bo is a District with 8 branches including Kenema. So I guess that those 2 Districts will turn into Stakes and then Kenema will become its own district. Right now in the City of Kenema there is only 2 missionaries in the whole city but this transfer they will be sending 4 more out there and opening some more branches. So that will be really cool I always talked about how it will be really cool to hear about Sierra Leone getting stakes after my mission but I might actually be here when it happens so I'm excited about that. For us we have had to push our Baptisms that we have schedule for this month to April 2nd. In that baptism it will be Sylvia her family and a Boy named Joshua that we are teaching. We still have a few members of Sylvias family that haven't attended church yet so we are working with them and Sylvia keeps having to travel to the village so she wasn't able to have her interview this week. But we are still working hard with them and I have the faith that everything will work out in its own time. Some time back Pres Roggia asked all of the missionaries to start finding apartments in there own areas. He said he now wants to man apartments that are in our own areas so we have started looking and of course you know me I'm looking at the nicest apartments in the neighborhood. One of them has Air Conditioning and everything so that has been pretty fun to do while proselyting I don't know how soon he will have the elders move into them. And apparently we now have Office Elders so that's pretty cool. So I guess that is all that is new with us here. This is the last week of the transfer and we will receive transfer news this Sunday I have no idea if i will stay or go or if my companion will stay or go we will just see. Thank you for all that you do.                       
Elder Lancaster

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