Current time in Africa

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sick, Sick, Sick!!

Well, pretty hard week. So a little while back I got this flew that lasted a couple days and then I got over it and it wasn't to bad. And then this whole last week had been an adventure with sickness. During the first part of the week I was doing alright but towards the end I got really tired and just wasn't feeling good. On Friday I woke up and knew that something was wrong but I just kept going to see if I could run faster then the sickness... It didn't work about half way through the day we had to return to the apartment where I spent the rest of the day throwing up and burning up with a fever. But I was able to get over that and got feeling better. On Saturday I went back out proselyting and was trying to take it kinda slow and I felt pretty good. I woke up Sunday with really bad pains that ran from my chest to my stomach around my left side and up my back. So I just went to church anyways and was just trying to endure it. After church we went to the apartment and I called Sis Roggia and I was like WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!! lol. She said that it sounds like I have a urinary track infection. I was like oh great. So she sent an email to Elder Maun who is called as the doctor for the missionaries in all of west Africa. So he said I had to start taking some medicine and then drink this nasty salt and sugar water its basically like drinking an IV its nasty. They also told me that I had to go to a clinic first thing in the morning and get tested and stuff. So through the night things just got worse. We had to go to Sewa Rd apartment last night and after I got there I just started feeling even worse and started throwing up like every 5 min. The whole zone was there and they all came together and gave me a blessing it was really cool. Then just after I got home Sis Roggia called me and I was kinda surprised that she was calling that late. She said Elder Lancaster I had sent an email to Elder Maun with your updates and he said that Elder Lancaster doesn't just need to go to a clinic but if in the morning nothing has changed then we need to take him to the hospital. After that I remembered what the hospital is like here in Bo. If you remember those hospitals it shows in old war movies where everyone is in a big open room and there are beds along both sides and everyone has there own little curtain ya that's it. So after that I was like nope that's not gonna happen so I started drinking that nasty water like crazy and I was laying in front of a fan with a washcloth on my forehead and one on my stomach. So I woke up this morning and Fever was gone and there was no more pain. Sis Roggia called me and told me just to keep taking my medicine and rest (so here I am in town emailing haha jk she told me to go email). So as for right now I'm feeling a million times better. I think if I just rest today and take it easy I will be back at it tomorrow. If you look at how I was yesterday and how I am today the only answer for it is that the priesthood is real. After I woke up this morning and walked around the apartment and discovered that I was fine I couldn't do anything but drop to my knees and thank Heavenly Father. I really didn't want to go to that Hospital. But enough about that. Its been hard to keep up with the work this week. But those that we are teaching are doing well and we should be having a baptism on the 26th. Some exciting news that we received this week is... that our mission compliment (meaning the number of missionaries assigned to this mission) is being raised by 36. 24 Elders and 12 Sisters FOR THE FIRST TIME! We will now have Sister missionaries in our mission! Its gonna be so crazy! So they just said we will be at that by the of October So we will start receiving them little at a time. Our total compliment was 60 before that. So we are really growing! Great things are happening. And as you can see miracles are happening everyday. So I hope this email doesn't get everyone all worried. Im already imagining my mom in sacrament meeting bearing her testimony crying because i have been sick again. But really don't worry were doing good!!! thanks for all the love and support!

Elder Lancaster


Julie said...

You really should QUIT GETTING SICK!!!! Gosh--you are going to waste away there.

Claudine Cable said...

So sorry you have been so ill, but this was a sweet email, brought tears to my eyes and made me grateful that you so quickly recognized the power that healed you. I hope you stay well and are always thankful for the many blessings the Lord gives to us.