Current time in Africa

Monday, February 14, 2011

Realizing The Truth Of The Gospel

Well another Great week. We received the transfer news yesterday. I'm not going anywhere and my companion is not going anywhere. Elder Chickwendu is going to Liberia and he is being replaced by Elder Boye-Doe. So those are the only changes in my apartment. So we have this side in our area that has just boomed lately with investigators. We baptized one guy there (Festus) and after him people have been asking him why do those white men only come and talk to you. He told them that we would love to come and share our message with them if they wanted. So he took us to them and we have started teaching some really amazing people. There was one girl we met named Linda and we went and visited her. Then when my companion was on exchanges this week with another elder they went there and were able to meet the whole family and sit down with them. They all promised to come to church this week and said they really enjoyed the message. So on Sunday Festus went there to pick them up and walk with them to church. He told us that while they were walking to church the mom just kept saying how she is only going to visit latter days because she has heard all of this crazy stuff about the church. Like we worship our own god and we worship Joseph Smith and we have our own Bible you know the usual crap that people say when they know nothing about the church. And so she told Festus how she won’t join the church but just visit this one time. So she came to church and we had one of the young women give a talk that was... just an average talk she was looking at her notes the whole time and was pretty nervous. Then one of the single adult men gave a talk that was pretty good and then a member of the branch presidency gave a talk. And then we went to the Investigators class or (Gospel Essentials) Then One guy that is in the branch that is really funny taught and did a good job. And this sister was asking a lot of questions and I was like hmm she really seems to be enjoying the class. So after church we talked to her and decided that we would come visit her just after our meetings at 3 o’clock. So we went there and The member that taught the Investigators class was there. Apparently they are old friends. So we asked her how she saw the service today and she said it is very different from any other service I have witnessed and I kind of thought to myself oh... here we go.. you know... haha. And she ended up saying how much she loved it. And how impressed she was that there was some pastor who thought he was all big and powerful that stood up to preach but that a young girl stoop up talked about what she knew to be true. And she said how at every other church she had attended she always was looking to learn more about god and more about the bible and what to do to return to god. And she said this church really teaches you. So that you can understand. She said I loved it! So we talked for a while and taught her about the BOM and at the end she said Elders what do I need to do to be Baptized how does your baptism class work? So we explained to her that we would continue to come and prepare her and she said she would pray about these things she has seen today and that if she receives her answer that she would be baptized on March 19. And we talked about the whole family being baptized and she loved that Idea and all of the kids were excited about it. IT was really awesome. I really saw the spirit touch her and speak to her exactly how she needed it to. It answered questions and concerns in this one sacrament service that she has been wondering for years. The church is true. When people will humble themselves... open there hearts... allow the spirit to talk to them... Miracles happen. An amazing week. I love you all and thank you for the love and support that you give to me.
Elder Lancaster


Julie said...

Awesome. Very awesome.

Claudine Cable said...

So touching! His emails, his experiences just keep getting better and better. I appreciate so much that Elder Lancaster shares this with us. It strengthens all of us. It would be so wonderful to be able to baptize a whole family. That is what our missionaries in Wales always wanted. It seldom happened. He is having such great experiences.