Current time in Africa

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sweet Bo!

So I guess everyone was pretty worried that I didn't email yesterday. Don't worry everything is good. We had our zone conference on Monday so that president and the assistants could get back to Freetown. So they made Tuesday our p-day for this week. It is so good to be back in Bo. they are doing a lot of construction here. they are putting in drainage gutters on all the roads so everything is all torn up. We couldn't get to my apartment because of it and so i was able to navigate Marcus on some back roads to the apartment I was surprised I still remembered! Everyday I run into someone else that I knew when I was here. I saw that old pa that I baptised. Pa Williams. apparently now his grand daughter has been baptized and his sons wife will be baptized soon. His son is the radio dj that i started teaching before i left if you can remember that. Apparently he hasn't progressed at all but slowly the whole family is joining. The area I am in is so sweet. We have so many wonderful Investigators. My companions name is Elder Vaughan he is from Washington. This is his second transfer so I sill call him a greeny. Its pretty fun giving him a hard time. But he is adjusting to everything really well and is a really hard worker. So that's the update on me! Everything is good. It has been really cold in the mornings lately actually to the point where I'm thinking about trying to buy a sweatshirt today. No one else gets as cold as me I don't know whats going on. I'm really going to suffer when i get home if i think 80 degrees is cold ha ha. Thank you all for all your love and support.
Elder Lancaster

1 comment:

Claudine Cable said...

I'm glad he is able to serve in Bo again. Sounds like the work is going well.